Judgement Day

On judgement day, the Lord will say, Depart from me, you who work iniquity. Matthew 7:23 

What does this mean? and if we don't understand what INIQUITY is, and how great the matter is, then our heart can deceive us in many matters. Iniquity is when you decide to live your own life, on the basis of doing your own thing, being lord over your own life and (for one, making your own decisions) for the sake of carnality and lastly being your own God, this is when you choose to not make God ruler over your moments, mind or life for anyone who might not be knowledgeable to the term iniquity and we will be judged on the basis of iniquity.

Depart from me, you who work iniquity. Matthew 7:23

IN OTHER WORDS, GOD SAID, You Lived Your Own Life and Did Not Make Me God Over Your Life. That is what everything boils down to.

It is not just committing sin/breaking Gods law/commandments by reading what they were. It is entirely all in all. Obeying God at anything He says.


It is when God said yes do it now, and you say I'll do it but not now, tomorrow is more convenient, yes you will do it, but you are still doing your own thing, being your own God. That is iniquity.

It is also when God said yes do it now, and you say no, again, you are still doing your own thing, being your own God. That is iniquity. 

It is when we live our own life and did not make Him God/Lord over our life. This is very serious.

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